Safe operation of Boom Elevating Work Platforms

Duty holders usually understand the risks EWPs pose to people on the ground, however, what’s often not fully considered is the increased crush risk to workers from the EWP platform or within the basket. When using Boom Elevating Work Platforms EWPs, the following risk control measures should be implemented: Selecting the right equipment for the task: It may be appropriate to use alternative equipment, such as scaffolding, to reach and carry out the task. Which equipment you use may depend on: Whether the task is located indoors or outdoors. If overhead hazards are in or near the work zone. The condition of supporting surfaces. Safe work method statements: A safe work method statement must be developed and followed for operating an EWPBoom Lift if there’s a risk to people from its movement, including those working in it. Measures to control crush risks must be documented in the safe work method statement. Secondary guard...